Badriyah, Nurul (2014) IMPLEMENTATION OF ENGLISH TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AT MTs. AL IBROHIMI MANYAR GRESIK. undergraduate thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik.

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This study focuses on one of component in the implementation of professional development, it is the teaching skill.Based on the previous study conducted by Grace IkaYuwono and Lesley Harbon (2010) state that“English teacher professionalism in Indonesia is unique, is often different from what is constructed by common literature on teacher professionalism,they have explored how English teachers in Indonesia perceive and construct their professionalism and professional development in terms of their motives of becoming a teacher”.The purposes of the study are to know the way of teachers develop their teaching skill, to know the probems that faced by the teacher in teaching learning activities, and to know the way to solve the problems. The subject of the study isthe English teachers who have educator certificate at MTs. Al Ibrohimi Manyar Gresik. The instrument that is used in this research is interview and observation. Interview is given to English teachers and observation is held to the teacher to knowwhen the teachersimplement the professional development in their teaching learning process. This study reveals the following finding. Based on the observation and interview, the teachers develop their professionalism related with teaching skill by: joining workshop or in house training, seminars,colloquium, panel discussions, orotherforms ofscientific meetingseitheras adiscussant orparticipants, which is held by the school itself or either educational institutions. The next by conducting assessment, the assessment is in the form of performance appraisal organized by school. Then, joining Deliberation Subject Teachers, from the forum the teachers can exchange teaching experience between teachers from other schools, making a lot of instructional media as good as possible to support teaching learning process, and reading journals or articles that contained teacher professional development. It means that the ways to improve professional development is not quite different with the theory by Sukanti (2012). Based on the observation and interview, many difficulties were found during the teachers improve the teaching skill. However they could overcome it. The teacher tried to overcome the lack of facilitieswithutilizinginstructional media,althoughstill relativelyas conventional mediaor maximize theuse ofcardsor studentsworksheets. Although compiling teaching devicespenta lotof time, butteachersanticipateby adapting theteachingdeviceofthe previousschool year. The next problem was related each other, it was the difficulties to apply lesson plan and teaching method in teaching learning process. It was caused by the less input of students. To overcome this problem the teacher approached the student to determine how much absorption of students. As the consequenceof the scenario of teaching in lesson plan could not be appliedproperly, howeverthe teachertried toconveythe materialin accordancewiththe syllabusandthecompetencystandard/basiccompetence. The last, the teacher did notmastertechnology. Although the teachescould notholda computer-based learning, butteacherstilltried tobe agood figurein teachingEnglish.The teacher prefered to use lecture method and conventional media such as book and card. The researcher recommended suggestion for the teachers and the principal to alwaysestablish good communicationin order the purposeof learninginMTs.AlIbrohimicould beachieved.This study was far from perfect, so it would be better if the otherresearcher did study in the same topic but focused on other components of teacher professional development.

Item Type: Thesis (undergraduate)
Subjects: English Education
English Education > English
English Education > English literature
Divisions: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education > English Education Study Program
Depositing User: tri risdianto saifullah
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2019 10:03
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2019 10:03

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